ImmiEd Privacy and Cookies Policy

Last Updated: 09 October 2023

ImmiEd Incorporated ("ImmiEd," "ImmiEd Inc.," "we," "us," or "our") assists our users in learning and understanding the process of studying in Canada. We give customized international study options that match our users’ previous education, experience, and future goals and guide users in finding the right program from the various study abroad alternatives. We also provide information regarding various study programs, admission documentation requirements, visa application services and other related processes. We have partnered with an extensive network of Canadian educational institutions, and our experienced counsellors, expert team and Website will assist you in navigating your international education smoothly and quickly. We also help users who intend to immigrate to Canada through education by explaining their immigration options (collectively, the “Services”).

In order to extend our Services to you, ImmiEd collects your personal data. This ImmiEd Privacy and Cookies Policy (the “Policy”) sets out the way in which ImmiEd collects, discloses, uses, manages, and stores personal data.

Any changes made to this Policy shall become effect as of the date specified above, and your continued use of the ImmiEd Website and/or Services succeeding this date will be subject to our updated Policy.


In this Policy, we describe:

  • the information we collect and process about you (either directly received from you or third parties such as our recruitment partners and counsellors);
  • the purpose for collecting and processing personal information about you; and
  • the basis for collecting and processing information about you while you use this Website, which is located at (our “Website”) and all the Services available through this ImmiEd Website which is provided to all our registered users (collectively referred as, our “Services”).

In this Policy, the term “personal information” or “personal data” refers to the data or information or personal data related to an identified or identifiable individual.

We highly recommend you to read this Policy cautiously to understand what ImmiEd and any affiliates and/or subsidiaries do with your personal information. The terms and conditions for using our Services, including any limitations on liability and dispute resolution provisions, govern your use of our Website and Services, as well as any privacy issue will be subject to the terms of this Policy. ImmiEd's Terms and Conditions for delivering Services have been incorporated in reference to this Policy. By visiting the ImmiEd Website, you agree to the practices outlined in this Policy.

How does ImmiEd collect personal data?

We collect your data from varied sources lawfully. Primarily, we collect your personal data directly from you. Next, your data could be acquired from third parties such as our marketing affiliates, other ImmiEd users and other ImmiEd clients or customers for the purpose of providing the ImmiEd Services to you or as part of a customer referral program and using cookies and metadata collected on our Website and the Services. Presently, our Services are only available to users who register for our Services, and service providers verify your identity and try to prevent fraudulent activities.

The third parties from whom we receive personal data about you include affiliates, banking references, credit reporting agencies, website hosts, live chat and online support service providers, other ImmiEd users, events vendors, and other third parties (For example, entities that assist us in authenticating your identity, for risk assessment, for fraud prevention, and so on). This information may be combined with other information we collect about you.

Through web beacons, cookies, log files and other technologies, we and our third-party service providers will automatically collect the following data about your use of our Website and our online Services (which is subject to your consent where required by applicable law): your browser type and operating system, your domain name, web pages you view, your IP address, links you click, the amount of time you visit our Website or use ImmiEd Services, your actions on our Website, and the referring URL or the webpage that directed you to ImmiEd Website. For more information, please check the section “Use of Cookies and Similar Tracking Mechanisms” below.

What personal data does ImmiEd collect?

The different types of personal data we collect about you will depend upon your interaction with our Website and Services. In limited circumstances, such as facilitating your application process to certain schools of interest, we may also need to collect sensitive personal data (For example, racial or ethnic origin information, religious or philosophical ideas, political viewpoints, health information, trade union membership, genetic or biometric data). If we need to collect sensitive data about you, as required by data protection legislation, we will obtain your explicit consent. The personal data gathered is only shared with ImmiEd and our third-party service providers serving as data processors in order to offer the Services you have requested, and it will not be transferred or used for any other purpose by us.

As per the applicable law, the permitted personal data ImmiEd generally collects about you have been detailed herein below:

  • Personal Identifiers

Specific personal data includes Name, phone number, email address, billing or mailing address, IP address, date of birth and photograph. Sensitive personal data includes a National identification number and any document that may include your photograph and/or government identifiers. We collect your personal data directly from you, from third parties on your behalf, and as instructed by you, other ImmiEd users and customers/clients, our service providers, and affiliates.

  • Financial Information                

We treat all financial information of yours as very sensitive personal data, which includes bank and credit account information, credit history if required, details of any transactions conducted using any of the Services and any other financial information required from you to provide valid Services to you. The sources from where we collect your financial information include directly from you, from third parties on your behalf and as instructed by you, counsellors, recruitment partners, other ImmiEd users and customers/clients, our service providers, and affiliates.

  • Health Information

For our Services and to give appropriate guidance, we will require a few of your sensitive health information like vaccination records, which include the date and type of vaccines you received and your personal health number. We will attain this information either directly from you or from third parties on your behalf and as instructed or permitted by you.

  • Internet Facility or Other Similar Network Activities

We collect these specific personal data and other related information through Cookies and other tracking technologies, and these data are collected from you directly and our third-party analytic tools and cookie usage. For further details and descriptions, see the section below entitled “Use of Cookies and Similar Tracking Mechanisms.”

  • Geolocation Data

Your specific geolocation will be captured from you and/or [through your use of the Mobile Application] and/or our third-party analytic tools and cookies usage directly (See the section below entitled “Use of Cookies and Similar Tracking Mechanisms”).

  • Professional or Employment Information

The specific personal data that we collect under this head includes your name, contact number, educational and work history, professional credentials and skills, salary/income, evaluations, interviews, references, certifications, disciplinary matters, and all other information of the type included on a resume, curriculum vitae, or cover letter. All such information will be collected directly from you or when another party, such as a counsellor, recruiter, or external website, provides it to us.

  • Other Categories

Any other personal information that you choose to provide to us to receive a complete Service will also be as per this Policy (For example, when you send us an email or otherwise contact us). Any other required category of information will be directly collected from you or third parties on behalf of you and as instructed or permitted by you.

When and How We Collect and Use Your Information

ImmiEd gathers and utilizes your personal data when you perform any of the following:

Create an Account: In order to use certain features of the Website, you must first make an account or profile by entering your details like email address and password or simply sign in with Google or Facebook account. Your login information will be used to create your account as well as to provide and manage the Service you requested.

Analyze Which Programs You Are Eligible To Apply To: You are not required to create an account to visit and browse certain pages of our Website, such as browsing various schools, reading other content sections of the Website, or checking your visa eligibility. If you choose to use our Website to find programs that you are eligible to apply for, we collect personal information such as your nationality, country of education, stream of studies, different levels of education, highest education, grading scheme, grades obtained, English/French language proficiency test score(s), and the area of study or programs that you are interested in pursuing from Canada. ImmiEd uses this information to compile a list of programs and schools to which you are eligible to submit your application.

A Student Profile Creation and/or Application to an Educational Program: In order to apply to an educational program, you (or your recruitment partner or counsellor acting as your legal representative) must first create a student profile on our Website. We use the personal information in your student profile to match you with schools and programs that match your preferences and qualifications. The school may additionally require this information in order to process your application.

Your first and last name, gender, date of birth, home and mailing address, email address, emergency contact information, passport details, marital status, dependent children details, English or French language proficiency test score(s), educational opinions (such as preferred educational institution and educational fields of interest), education history, volunteer experience, internship experiences, project works, extracurricular activities and other educational information may be included in this information. Schools may also ask us to gather your personal health information, including COVID-19 vaccination status, as part of your application process in select cases.

You have the option to add additional information, such as documentation of awards and academic projects, throughout the application process. This information is not required to process your application but could help to boost the success rate of your application.

We may utilize your profile information as well as other information about your Website usage (such as search inquiries or any other links you click on) to present you with customized school recommendations using the personalized Website.

Use an ImmiEd Student Email address: As per requirement, we might create and provide you with an "ImmiEd Student" email address to help you communicate with schools of interest. ImmiEd Student email addresses are only used for submitting applications to educational programs through ImmiEd. ImmiEd monitors incoming and outgoing emails from ImmiEd Student email accounts and may gather information from those emails so that you do not miss any vital details about your application. You can discontinue the functionality of this email account by contacting us as specified herein below.

Use of Our Visa Processing Services: We provide students with the option of processing their Canada student visas through ImmiEd. If you want to utilize this Service, we may gather personal data from you in order to process your Canada visa application (if necessary), such as details in the passport and information filled in on the Canada visa application forms.

Posts Published on ImmiEd Website, Social Media Channels, or Direct Messages: You can post information (e.g., queries, comments, and opinions) through ImmiEd’s Services, on ImmiEd Website or on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, YouTube or Instagram. You may also send direct messages to us through these platforms. Please be aware that any personal information you voluntarily publish to any public forum will be displayed to other people, and you should use caution before posting any personal information. The content you send to third-party websites (such as different social media websites) is subject to the privacy policies of those third-party websites.

Register with ImmiEd to Enroll in Any Courses: You can access our course materials and voluntarily give personal information or data so we can register you as a student taking the course. We will maintain a record of your registration and/or course completion details in order to issue a certificate of completion if requested.

Communicate with us through our Online Support and Live Chat Services: Our Website offers online support Services, including a live chat feature, that are powered by third parties (e.g., Sendbird, Zendesk). These support Services give us and the service providers we collaborate with the ability to speak with you immediately, offer further details, and respond to any inquiries.

In order to operate the online support Services and evaluate how well they are being used, your information is collected. Your first and last names, contact information (including phone number, email, and IP address), and other information transmitted while using the support Services may be included in it. Even if you do not utilize the support Services actively, they may nonetheless gather browsing and usage information on the pages where they are installed. For the sake of quality control and training, live chat interactions may also be recorded.

You voluntarily and explicitly provide your consent to the gathering and use of your information by utilizing the support Services on our Website. When using the support Services, the information you decide to provide is totally your responsibility.

Contact Us: When you get in touch with us with a comment, question, or complaint, we might ask you for information that helps us quickly respond to your comment, answer your question, or resolve your complaint, such as your name, address, and phone number. We might also save this data in order to help you in the future and to better our customer Services, activities, products, support Services, promotional efforts, and other events for our customers.

Information to Third Parties With Whom We Collaborate: We may get personal information about you from your legal representative, a recruitment partner (or partners), or a counsellor (or counsellors) with whom you are collaborating and who are utilizing our Services to handle your school/college/university application. From time to time, ImmiEd may collect data about you from third parties or outside sources such as mailing list companies and third-party service providers. It is the responsibility of third-party suppliers to get consent to provide personal data to us.

Processing of payments and transaction tracking: ImmiEd uses third-party PCI-certified payment service providers, such as Flywire, Western Union, Stripe, or others, with your complete consent. You are governed by their privacy rules when you use these payment service providers directly to make a payment. They are separate from ImmiEd, and ImmiEd is not liable for their privacy practices.

Our applications have been designed to link customers to the PCI-certified payment processor directly in a secure, transparent, and encrypted manner. This makes it easier for us to guarantee the confidentiality of your financial transactions. ImmiEd receives a transaction number and status from the payment processor. These details are frequently required for visa applications as evidence of program payment and as a show of the student's commitment to the program of choice. ImmiEd keeps a list of payment processors and other third-party service providers that we might utilize to handle payments to independent service providers and/or third-party or outside contractors that we hire in connection with providing the Services.

Register for Marketing Emails and Other Communications: We may give you the option to register to receive marketing and promotional emails from ImmiEd on the Website, on other websites (including social media sites), or at conferences and other learning opportunities. In certain situations, we gather specific personal information from you (including your full name, electronic mail ID, or contact number), which we will use to send you emails and other messages with ImmiEd updates, advice, and other material that may be of interest to you. By following the "opt-out" or "unsubscribe" options given in your emails or text messages or by contacting us as detailed below, you can choose not to receive promotional emails from us. Please keep in mind that you may continue to receive messages from us about your application, as well as other transactional and account-related electronic messages.

Take part in Our Surveys and Customer Evaluation: Occasionally, we may provide you the chance to join one of our surveys or other types of customer research. Our surveys and customer research yield information that is used in an aggregated, non-personally identifiable manner. We utilize this information to better our product and Service offerings, promotions, and events while also better understanding our customers.

Join for Contests and Promotions: If you sign up for a contest or promotion, we may gather your name, address, contact information (such as a phone number and email address), and other details you submit. To manage your participation in the competition or campaign, we utilize this information. The indemnity and limitation of liability clauses, if any, included in the Terms and Conditions are waived with regard to any liabilities incurred or injuries suffered as a result of any research activities if non-identifiable data is utilized for such purposes.

Apply for a Job at ImmiEd: You may give us personal information about yourself in connection with a job application or other inquiries about potential employment with ImmiEd (such as information found in a resume or CV, cover letter, or other similar employment- and education-related materials). We use your information to process and revert to your application for open positions in the present and in the future.

Apply to Become a Potential Recruitment Partner with ImmiEd: In connection with your application to become a prospective recruitment partner with ImmiEd, you may give us certain personal information, including your first and last names, home address, email address, information about your academic and professional history, and banking or financial information. In order to process and reply to your application to join ImmiEd Partners, as well as to pay you as necessary through third-party payment processors, we use this information.

Place your application to be an ImmiEd Counsellor: In connection with your application to ImmiEd as a potential counsellor, you may give us certain personal information, including your first and last names, address, email address, information about your educational and professional history, and banking information. We use this information to process and address your application to work as an ImmiEd Counsellor, as well as to pay you as necessary through third-party payment processors.

You are solely liable to provide correct and latest/ recent information.

At What Situations Do We Disclose Your Information

As shown in the table below, we disclose the personal data you provide with us to third parties such as service providers, regulated institutions (such as financial institutions), affiliated companies, and business partners.

We have also listed our reasons for sharing your personal information with third parties in the section below.

With Whom and Why We Disclose Your Information

With whom we Disclose your personal information

The Purpose of Disclosure

Educational Institutions

The educational institutions you are applying to (either directly or with the help of a third party on your behalf, within Canada or abroad) receive the information from your application that we have provided. ImmiEd does not have any control over how these educational institutions use the information it has given them for your application for admission, so if you have any concerns about how your personal information is handled, it is advised that you get in touch with the respective educational institutions directly.

Service Providers

We may transfer or otherwise make available your personal data or information to third parties who perform services for us. For instance, we may use service providers like cloud providers to operate some aspects of the Website, host the Website and data (including cloud providers), deliver our emails, and customer relationship management tool service providers. Other service providers might help us with a variety of tasks, including the provision of services, identity verification, fraud prevention, abuse detection, internal research, analytical assessments, processing of transactions, account maintenance, and customer service. In addition to our business, legal, tax, financial, and other advisors, on a confidential basis, this list of service providers also includes data and cyber security services, internet service providers, banks or other financial institutions, financial services providers, payment processors, remote access services, and service providers that help us verify your identity and comply with legal and regulatory requirements. Your personal information may be stored and processed by third-party service providers in other countries. We provide only the data necessary for our service providers to carry out their assigned tasks; we do not permit them to use or disclose your personal information for their own marketing or other reasons.

Parties involved in an ImmiEd business transaction

In the event of a merger, sale, or other corporate reorganization involving all or a portion of ImmiEd, whether contemplated or actualized (including transfers made in connection with insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings), we reserve the right to transfer any information we have about you as an asset.

Individuals involved in Research and Development 

With your permission, ImmiEd makes use of your data internally for research and development to enhance our current Services and/or develop new features to serve you better. ImmiEd also uses non-personal data ("Metadata") for this purpose. In order to enhance our current Services and/or develop new features to better serve you, we may share your personal information with third parties engaged in research and development with your permission. These third parties could be academics, educational institutions, or other professionals in related fields.

Legal Professionals, Lawyers, Courts, and Law Enforcement Agencies

ImmiEd and our Canadian, UK, and all other service providers may disclose your personal information to a third party in response to a search warrant or other legally recognized inquiry or order or to an entity in the event of a contract violation or other illegal activity, as well as in other circumstances as stipulated or permitted by applicable Canadian, UK, or other law. Additionally, we reserve the right to reveal personal information when it is required for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims, to identify, stop, or avert fraud, or to look into potential damage or loss to people or property. For legal, regulatory, and/or compliance reasons, we might need to get in touch with you directly to check the specific information you gave in connection with your application process if you hired a recruitment partner or counsellor to submit your application to ImmiEd.

Please get in touch with us using one of the many channels of communication provided in the section below titled "Contact Us, Questions, Updating Your Info, Opting Out" if you do not want us to use your personal information to market to you or to share with third parties for marketing purposes. A link included in any marketing emails that ImmiEd sends to you will allow you to unsubscribe from those emails. We will never sell your personal information.

Locations of Our Data Storage

The servers of our cloud service providers are where we store all the data you give us. We make a good faith effort to guarantee that our service providers follow the security guidelines we have established for your information. All payment transactions will be encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. Any password we have provided you (or that you have chosen) for access to particular areas of our Website is your responsibility to keep confidential. We kindly ask you not to reveal your password to anyone.

Our service providers are mostly based outside of Canada, and their servers are mostly located in India and a few in Canada. We utilize the required security measures to protect your information. Since the laws and regulations outside of Canada may differ from those in Canada, authorities in those other countries may be able to access your information in compliance with their local laws.

Security measures/ Safeguards

ImmiEd considers very seriously its responsibility to safeguard your personal information. In an effort to stop any unauthorized access, modification, use, and disclosure of your personal data in our control and custody, we have put in place all reasonable technical, administrative, and physical safeguards. These measures include limiting access to our database to authorized users, using device encryption, and using version tracking.

However, online data transfer is not entirely safe. Although we will try our best to safeguard your personal information, we cannot ensure the complete security of any data transferred to our Website and hence, any transmission is done at your own risk. Once we obtain your information, we will do our best to prevent unauthorized access by following tight protocols and utilizing security features.

Instances that raise questions about or show evidence of unlawful access to or handling of personal data are swiftly investigated by ImmiEd, and swift action is taken. We will notify you right away if we learn about a security breach that resulted in unauthorized access to, use of, modification of, or disclosure of your personal information that is in our possession or under our control. As soon as we learn about the breach or have a reasonable opportunity to do so, we shall, to the extent authorized by law, promptly inform you of it.

Defining Your Rights

Subject to regional data protection legislation, you have a number of rights in relation to your personal data. In accordance with the laws that are in force, your rights may include the right to: 

  • Deny the collection, use, and retention of your personal data
  • Accessibility to your private information
  • Resolve or eliminate errors/ rectify mistakes
  • Know the factual information
  • Limit how we use your personal information
  • Obtain and use your personal information
  • Be forgotten by erasing your personal information.
  • Be exempt from decisions made purely on automated processing, including profiling
  • Right to file a complaint or report
  • Withdraw or remove your permission.

Subject to certain legal exclusions, you will be able to access, update, and correct any sort of mistakes in your personal data in our possession or control at any time. Just sign in to your account, go to your profile, and make the requisite changes.

You can contact us as indicated below to seek access to adjustments to or updates to any other personal data we may have in our files. For the purpose of confirming the identity of the person requesting access to their personal data records, we could ask for certain personal information.

You have the right to request that your data be erased (withdrawn or forgotten); this type of request can be fulfilled, provided that ImmiEd is in a legal position to do so. If you submit an application to a third-party provider, you cannot have an active study application where billing or financial records are being processed or may be in progress. If ImmiEd can honour your request, just the personal information you supplied will be erased. No matter what, non-personal data (or "Metadata") will be maintained.

If you have any questions or complaints about ImmiEd, please get in touch with us using the information provided below. Within a reasonable amount of time, usually within 10 business days, we will address your issues.

Please keep in mind that they are not absolute rights. In rare circumstances, we reserve the right to decline a request to exercise a particular right if doing so would prevent us from performing our responsibilities under the contract and offering you our Services. When you submit your request, we will keep you updated on the actions that we can take.

You should carefully study the privacy policies of our third-party service providers, as we are not accountable for their privacy practices. When you submit a request based on your personal data rights that pertains to the data gathered by our third-party service providers, we may, to the extent authorized by law, get in touch with them. In such cases, we will continue to keep you informed of how your request is coming along or progressing.

Use of Cookies and Similar Tracking Mechanisms

To keep track of information about how you use our Website and Services, both we and our third-party service providers employ cookies and other tracking techniques, such as tracking technology created for mobile applications. We may combine this data with other personal data we have about you (or on our behalf, our third-party service providers may combine it).

Cookies. Cookies are small identifiers that include pieces of text in alphabetical and numerical that we transfer to the hard drive of your system through your web browser for the purpose of preserving records. Some cookies help us make our Website and Services easier for you to use, while others help us track your activity on our Website and Services or make the login process go more quickly.

Cookies could lead to the transmission of information between you and us, between you and us directly, between us and another party working on our behalf, or between us and another party in line with that other party's privacy policy. To combine the data we get about you, we might utilize cookies. You have the option of having your device notify you each time a cookie is transmitted, or you may decide to disable all cookies. Your browser's settings are where you do this. If you disable our cookies, you will not be able to access many features that improve the efficiency of your visit, and some of our Services won't work properly. For further information on how to control or disable browser cookies, please refer to the Policy's last section.

Cookies fall into a number of categories, and they all serve various purposes. Visit an informational page to learn more about cookies and their general purposes.

Cookies are classified into four types:

Cookies that are absolutely necessary

These are cookies that are necessary for our Website to function. For instance, they contain cookies that let visitors sign into our Website's secure areas.

Performance / analytical cookies. 

These cookie types help us identify visitors, track their numbers, and monitor their online activity on our Website. This helps us improve how our Website functions, for example, by making sure you can quickly find what you are looking for.

Functionality cookies.

When you return to our Website, these cookies help us recognize you. They make it possible to customize content, identify users, and remember user preferences (such as your preferred language or location).

Targeting cookies.

Targeting cookies track your visit to our Website, the web pages you browse, and the links you click. If the cookie is set by a third party (such as an advertising network) that also analyses traffic on other sites, this type of cookie may be used to track your travels between multiple websites and to construct profiles of your general online behaviour. Online advertising frequently uses the data gathered by tracking cookies to target specific consumers.

The four types of cookies mentioned above are either session cookies or persistent cookies.

Session Cookies

Session cookies are only present during an online session. They vanish from your computer when you close your browser or turn it off. We use session cookies to exclusively identify you during a session or while you are logged into our Services or Website. This enables us to conduct your e-commerce transactions and requests and authenticate your identity when you navigate through our Website or Services after you have logged in.

Persistent Cookies

After you have closed your browser or powered off your computer, persistent cookies continue to exist on your system. We use persistent cookies in order to save your user information, preferences, and activities so that we can provide our Services to you the next time you visit our Website or use our Services. We also employ persistent cookies to track collective and statistical data about user activities, which we may combine with other user data.

HTML5 data storage. We may also utilize HTML5 to save your user information and Website options locally within your web browser.

Pixel tags, clear GIFs, and other technologies. Clear GIFs are small visuals or graphics with a unique identifier that act similarly to cookies. Unlike cookies, which are saved on your computer's hard drive, clear GIFs are inserted on web pages secretively. Clear GIFs, also known as web bugs, pixel tags, or web beacons, may be used in connection with our Website or Services to track the actions of Website visitors, assist us in managing content, and compile statistics regarding Website and Service usage. Clear GIFs are also used by us and our third-party service providers to send emails in HTML format to ImmiEd customers to help us track email reply rates, find when our emails are seen, and determine whether our emails are forwarded.

Changing or Disabling Cookie Preferences. The majority of web browsers, by default, permit cookies, but you could change your web browser settings to stop them from being accepted in the future. The Help sections in most browsers will explain to you the steps to prevent your computer or system from accepting new cookies, how to inform the browser about receiving a new cookie, or the steps to disable cookies entirely. Visitors to our Website who block their web browsers' capacity to accept cookies will be able to view the Website; however, most site features will not function if cookies are disabled, and you will be unable to log in to utilize our Services. You can withdraw your agreement to the setting of cookies at any time by visiting our Website's Privacy Preference Centre and selecting "Cookies Settings." Please keep in mind that in order to erase all cookies across all of your devices, you must modify your cookie settings independently for each device.

Managing to Disable/Enable Cookies Using Your Browser

You may manage cookies and other tracking technology in a variety of ways. You may either accept or decline cookies in your browser settings or even configure your browser to notify you before accepting a cookie while you visit a website. You should understand that if you keep your browser settings to disable cookies completely, you may not be able to utilize all of our interactive features.

You must make sure that each browser is customized to your preferences if you use various computers in various locations.

Any cookies that have been set up can be removed or disabled from your browser's cookie folder. Different browsers offer different ways to manage your preferences. For more information, please see the browser links below.

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Windows Explorer
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari
  • Samsung Internet Browser
  • Opera Web Browser
  • UC Browser

If you are not using one of the browsers listed above, go to the "Help" menu and look for "cookies" to learn where to find your cookie folder.

You should also be aware that deactivating cookies does not prevent us from using other types of analytics technologies to gather generic information about the manner in which you and other visitors use our Website.

Cookies Overview









This cookie is native to PHP applications. The cookie stores and identifies a user's unique session ID to manage user sessions on the website. The cookie is a session cookie and will be deleted

when all the browser windows are closed.





This cookie is native to PHP applications. The cookie stores and identifies a user's unique session ID to manage user sessions on the website. The cookie is a session cookie and will be deleted

when all the browser windows are closed.





Youtube sets this cookie to track the views of embedded videos

on Youtube pages.





YouTube sets this cookie to measure bandwidth, determining whether the user gets the new or old player interface.

5 months 27 days




Google Tag Manager sets the cookie to experiment

advertisement efficiency of websites using their services.

3 months




Microsoft Clarity set this cookie to store information about how visitors interact with the website. The cookie helps to provide an analysis report. The data collection includes the number of visitors, where they visit the website, and the pages visited.

1 year




Facebook sets this cookie to display advertisements when either on Facebook or on a digital platform powered by Facebook advertising after visiting the website.

3 months




Google Analytics sets this cookie to calculate visitor, session and campaign data and track site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognise unique visitors.

1 year 1 month 4 days




Google Analytics sets this cookie to store information on how visitors use a website while also creating an analytics report of the website's performance. Some of the collected data includes the number of visitors, their source, and the pages they visit anonymously.

1 day




Google Analytics sets this cookie for user behaviour tracking.

1 minute




Google Analytics sets this cookie to store and count page views.

1 year 1 month 4 days




Microsoft Clarity sets this cookie to retain the browser's Clarity User ID and settings exclusive to that website. This guarantees that actions taken during subsequent visits to the same website

will be linked to the same user ID.

1 year




Microsoft Clarity sets this cookie to store and consolidate a user's

pageviews into a single session recording.

1 day




Microsoft Clarity cookie set this cookie for synchronizing the MUID across Microsoft domains.





Bing sets this cookie to recognise unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. This cookie is used for advertising, site analytics,

and other operations.

1 year 24 days




Bing sets this cookie to recognise unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. This cookie is used for advertising, site analytics,

and other operations.

1 year 24 days




This cookie, set by Bing, is used to collect user information for analytics purposes.

7 days




Used by Microsoft Advertising as a unique ID for visitors.

1 year 24 days




This cookie, set by Bing, is used to collect user information for

analytics purposes.

7 days




The ANONCHK cookie, set by Bing, is used to store a user's session ID and verify ads' clicks on the Bing search engine. The cookie helps in reporting and personalization as well.

10 minutes



test_cookie sets this cookie to determine if the user's browser

supports cookies.

15 minutes




No description

5 months 27 days




YouTube sets this cookie via embedded YouTube videos and

registers anonymous statistical data.

2 years




Facebook sets this cookie to store and track interactions.





This cookie is used by Facebook to enable its chat widget functionalities.





YouTube sets this cookie to store the user's video preferences

using embedded YouTube videos.





YouTube sets this cookie to register a unique ID to store data on what videos from YouTube the user has seen.






YouTube sets this cookie to store the user's video preferences

using embedded YouTube videos.





YouTube sets this cookie to register a unique ID to store data on what videos from YouTube the user has seen.



Do Not Follow. Currently, our systems do not accept browser "do-not-track" requests. However, you may block certain tracking as stated above (e.g., by disabling Cookies); you may also opt out of Third-Party Analytics or targeted marketing by following the instructions provided in the Third-Party Advertisement Networks section below.

Social media: We may provide you with the option to interact with our content on or through social networking sites, applications, and plug-ins operated by third parties. You may give us permission to access certain information from your social media account (such as your name, email address, username, and profile picture) when you engage with ImmiEd content on or via third-party social networking websites, applications, and plug-ins. This access is necessary to deliver the content to you or to maintain the functionality of the website, application, and plug-in. We may utilize the information you supply from your social media account to tailor your experience on the Website and on third-party social networking websites, applications, and plug-ins, as well as to offer you additional products or services you may request.

Links to Other Websites: The ImmiEd Website might also include links to other domains that ImmiEd does not control or maintain, such as those of our business partners. Additionally, other websites that we advertise on may contain links to our Website. We will not disclose any of your personal information to these third parties without your permission, with the exception of what is stated in this clause. As a service to the user, we offer connections to websites operated by third parties. These links are not meant to be recommendations or endorsements of the connected websites. We advise you to carefully read the privacy statements, notices, and terms of use on the linked websites since they are different and independent from one another.

Third-Party Analytics

ImmiEd gathers common internet log data using the online analytics services provided by Google Analytics, Hubspot, Walkme, Hellobar, OneTrust, Mixpanel, and Freshpaint. These tools may make use of cookies to assist us in studying how users interact with the Website. For instance, if you use Google Analytics, a Google server will receive and store the data the cookie creates on how you use the Website (including your IP address). This information is used by Google to analyze the way you use the Website, prepare reports on all website activity for website owners, and perform all other services for website owners related to website activity and internet usage.

You will be able to stop Google from storing data or information in connection with your use of the Website and generated by the cookie (which includes your IP address), and you can also disable Google from processing this data by downloading and then installing the browser plug-in mentioned at the following link: Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on Download Page.

If you require any additional information on Google Analytics data collection and processing, as well as data privacy and security, it can be found at the below links: and

ImmiEd also uses Google Optical Character Recognition (Google OCR) to convert the images you upload into text for data import into your chosen ImmiEd applications, with the goal of eradicating processing errors and reducing processing times.

Third-Party Advertising Networks

Third parties, such as network advertisers, sponsors, and other marketing agencies, are used to display advertisements on our Website, assist us in displaying advertisements on third-party websites, and analyze the success of our advertising campaigns. Network advertisers are third-party companies that display adverts based on your visits to our Website and other unrelated websites. This would allow us and these third parties to advertise for products and services in which you may be interested. JavaScript, web beacons (including clear GIFs), cookies, Flash LSOs, and other related technologies used by third-party ad network providers, sponsors, advertisers, and/or traffic measurement services to measure the performance of their ads and to tailor advertising material to you. These cookies of third parties and other technologies are subject to the privacy policies of each individual third party, not this one. We might give these third-party advertisers details about how you use our Website and Services, as well as general or non-identifiable personal data about users of our Website and of our Service.

Choosing not to receive interest-based advertising: Visit the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada website at for more information about interest-based advertising and to learn about your options, including how to choose not to receive behavioural ads from third-party advertising companies that are members of the alliance.

  • You will still see ads from us even if you opt out of interest-based advertising from third parties, but they will not be targeted based on your behaviour and may be less relevant to you and your interests. Please note that even if you choose to opt out of analytics, these tracking technologies may still collect data for other purposes.
  • Your cookies must have been enabled in your web browser in order to correctly opt out; for more information on cookies and how to activate them, check the instructions for your browser. You must opt out of each online browser on each computer you use because your opt-out only applies to the web browser you are currently using. You will have to opt out again if you clear the cookies that your browser has saved after opting out.

Custom Audience: We may also use third-party platform services (such as social networking and other websites) to show you or other people targeted advertisements on those platforms. To do so, we may give the platform provider a brief version of your email address or other required information. Please get in touch with us at if you would prefer that we not utilize your information for such purposes.

Data Storage

ImmiEd will only keep your personal information for as long as it is necessary to achieve the goals for which it was acquired or as otherwise allowed or required by law or contract (which may continue after our relationship with you has ended).

Personal data is typically kept for up to a year after we last communicated with you or as long as you are enrolled in the institutional program you applied to. We might keep some information if it is necessary:

  • for lawful commercial objectives, such as account recovery and auditing;
  • if mandated by relevant national/federal, state/provincial, local/territorial, or other legislation/laws;
  • to stop fraud or abuse in the future or
  • by agreement with an individual or partner and/or organization or institution.

Every single piece of saved personal information is handled in line with this Policy.

Due to existing technological and regulatory limitations, we cannot entirely delete all your personal data if you ask for it to be removed from our databases and/or systems. However, we will be taking reasonable steps to ensure that the information is securely destroyed, deidentified, and/or anonymized as needed.

If you ask ImmiEd for more Services that are governed by this Policy, you will be giving your consent to an expansion of the company's data collecting and/or processing goals.

Changes to this ImmiEd Privacy Policy

This Policy could be altered at any time. Future modifications will be announced on our Website, and, as necessary, you will be notified by email or through your "My Account" section of our Website.

We strongly advise you to return often to see any updates or modifications to our Policy. Your rights under this Policy will not be considerably reduced by us unless we first make efforts to notify you of any changes.

Contact Us, Ask Your Questions, Update Your Information, and Opt Out

If you are a customer of ImmiEd Services and would like to update your personal information, please log into "My Account" to do so or get in touch with us using the details provided below. If you would like to amend your personal information and you are not a customer of ImmiEd Services but have given us personal information, or if third parties have given us your personal information, you can connect with us at the contact number or email address given below.

Periodically, we may email you or send you a special offer; you can choose not to receive those emails by clicking the link in the email or contacting us as listed below.

Contact our Data Privacy Officer if:

  • Any queries or criticisms you may have regarding this Policy
  • You want to access, update, and/or correct inaccurate information about you but are unable to do so on your own or
  • You have another concern or complaint about how we or our Service partners handle your personal data.

You can email our Data Privacy Officer at  or write to them at the following address:

ImmiEd Incorporated

1959 Upper Water Street

Suite 1301, Tower 1

C/o: Incorp Pro

Halifax NS B3J 3N2, Canada